The story of the invention of electricity
He was a genius of electricity is the British chemist Sir Michael Faraday, born in London in 1791, where otherwise there was no talk of the use of electricity.
The encounter that made the first electric motor before the possibility to discover how the invention of electricity, and therefore he could not when his invention but to use a battery to run it.
In 1821 the noted Danish professor Hans Christian Ørsted, that when the magnetic needle near the drooping of carrying electric current epidemic, the needle is moving away from or approaching it.
Thus, the Faraday had decided that there must be a relationship between electricity and magnetism, and after numerous experiments in 1821 attached a piece of copper wire from a hook so that the lower end of affecting the mercury placed in the dish, and when he passed a current from a battery through the lift took place end of the wire remained going to charge the battery runs out.
It was not the first drive of the value of this process because it can not move anything, but he has proven the interdependence of electricity and magnetism are closely interrelated.
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